Many customers who come to Perfectionist Auto Sound and Security ask us, “Can my car be stolen while remote started?” They are worried that someone might try to get it and drive away while it’s warming up. We can assure you that when we install a remote starter system on your vehicle, it is as safe as when the engine is not running. Let’s look at the details.
Lock And Key Preventions From Being Stolen While Remote Started
When we install a Compustar remote car starter system in your vehicle, we ensure that it will communicate with your factory security system correctly. When you press the button on the remote control or your smartphone to remote start the car, the remote starter system shuts down the factory security system, starts the vehicle, rearms the security system and then makes sure that the doors are locked. This ensures that your vehicle is secure.
In an absolute worst-case scenario, if someone were to find a way to open a door and get into your vehicle, they still wouldn’t be able to drive away. Without your key in the vehicle, the steering column remains locked. There is no way to steer the vehicle. The remote start system monitors the brake pedal. As soon as it is pressed, the engine shuts down. In virtually every vehicle, you have to press the brake to put the transmission into Drive.
Finally, in the impossible chance that a thief managed to bypass all those protocols, the engine also shuts down when it exceeds a preset RPM engine speed, so they would not get very far.
Adding Further Security For Peace Of Mind
Are you worried about someone stealing or damaging your vehicle? Why not let us install a combination remote car starter and security system? These systems add an adjustable shock sensor that will set off the alarm if the vehicle is damaged. A high-output siren will go off when the alarm is triggered – scaring off the thief and alerting you that someone is tampering with your vehicle. The security system monitors the doors, and we can add hood and/or trunk monitoring as well.
A Quality Installation Every Time
No matter what remote car starter or security system you choose to have installed in your vehicle, the location, and method of installation, is crucial to its functionality. We take great pride in using the industry’s best techniques for electrical connections, wire routing, and wiring protection. When combined with our carefully planned equipment mounting locations, these processes help to ensure that your Compustar system works just as well years from now as on the day we install it.
Stop By And Demo Our Remote Start And Security Systems Today!
If you are in the Anchorage, Alaska, area, we invite you to stop by Perfectionist Auto Sound and Security. We have many Compustar systems on display in our showroom and our employee vehicles. We’d be happy to discuss your security and convenience needs, then design a custom system that will ensure your vehicle is safe and comfortable. We do more than just install remote car starter and security systems; we install peace of mind.
For more information about any of our products and services, Contact Us Here.