At Perfectionist Auto Sound and Security, one of our greatest pleasures is hearing back from clients about how much they love their new products. We only sell products that we would install in our own vehicles. Because of this, we aren’t surprised that our clients fall in love with their vehicle upgrades, but we do love hearing when it happens.
Warm Car Comfort for Commuting
The other day, we heard from a client who travels daily from Wasilla to Eagle River for his job. Recently, we installed a remote start and heated seats in his vehicle, and he was excited to call us and give a positive report.
With a 30-minute daily commute each way, our client wanted to be able to travel between Wasilla and Eagle River comfortably. Winter is quickly approaching and temperatures will only continue to drop. Our client decided that the best way to stay warm on his commute was to have a remote start and heated seats installed. He went with the Metra heated seats we offer and the Compustar Drone, which allows him to start his vehicle from anywhere.
Heated Seats Impress on Day One
The first day he drove his car to work with his new upgrades, he couldn’t believe the difference they made. The night he picked his car up from Perfectionist, he turned his heated seats on high and his heat on full blast, then turned off his car. The next morning, he pushed a button on his smartphone 15 minutes before he had to leave for work, and his car started instantly. By the time he walked out to his vehicle, his seats were already toasty-warm and his car felt so cozy – the complete opposite of the freezing car he stepped into just the day before.
Enjoy the Ride
Since he spends over an hour in the car each day, our client likes to enjoy his rides as much as possible. Being able to get in a warm car and stay warm definitely added the extra enjoyment he was looking for. He doesn’t arrive at work with frozen fingers anymore. Even better, he enjoys the same thing on his way home from work! With the temperatures continuing to drop, he is also looking forward to using his remote start to melt the ice and frost off his windshield in the coming weeks. This gives him more time to get ready and enjoy his mornings before leaving for work.
If you live near Wasilla or Eagle River, chances are you could also benefit greatly from heated seats and a remote start. Imagine getting in a cozy, warm vehicle every day on your way to and from work!
Come See Us to Add Comfort to Your Drive
To learn more about the products we offer, contact us here or stop by Perfectionist Auto Sound and Security in Anchorage, Alaska.