Here at the shop we’ve spent the past couple weeks using our skills and tools to fabricate severely needed PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) face shields for our local medical community who is literally face to face with this deadly pandemic. John connected with friends in the automotive aftermarket industry who had come up with a streamlined design for laser cutting and assembling shield parts. They shared this design and others got to work, including John, with the help of local materials suppliers who have been donating and discounting the needed supplies.
“My brother Jeremy Katz and his team on the east coast came up with an amazing design and shared the file so more people could help. It gives me a sense of purpose and it feels good to make a difference.”
Across the country there are custom automotive shops and other businesses working around the clock to get these vital protection shields to local hospitals and medical workers who are in dire need on the front lines of this unprecedented pandemic.
Perfectionist has always been community minded and in a time of crisis, that only becomes even more important.
John Schwartz, CEO at Perfectionist Auto Sound, wearing one of the first face shields to be assembled, testing for fit and function.
Please note that we are receiving many requests and are prioritizing based on a combination of urgency and impact.
We are trying to make sure that all high risk and high traffic medical facilities across the state have at least some PPE and we will provide more as materials become available and as we get them completed.
Check out what we’ve been working on
These smiles make the long hours worth it
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“I feel like this is something I can do. There’s a huge lack of it,” Schwartz said. “We can produce it and not many people can produce it right now because you have to have some of this tooling to be able to do it.”