A client from here in Anchorage recently contacted the team at Perfectionist Auto Sound and Security to inquire about having us install a high-output air horn system on his 2016 Jeep Grand Cherokee. The system that the client wanted wasn’t the sort of thing you’d find at Walmart or an auto parts store. This HornBlasters Conductor’s Special kit includes a high-performance compressor and four hand-tuned Shocker XL horns that deliver real train-horn performance.
Grand Cherokee Air Horn System
The project started with us creating a mounting panel that fits into the storage area in the back of the Jeep. With a layer of black carpet in place for a neat and tidy look, we mounted the Viair 444C compressor and the two-gallon, six-port air tank to the panel. We plumbed the compressor into the tank and installed the pressure gauge to be visible from the rear of the vehicle. Using our CNC laser, our team fabricated a 2-inch acrylic plastic spacer that fits under the spare tire hold-down nut to secure everything in place.
The Viair compressor is rated for 100% duty cycle and can fill the tank back to full pressure in about one minute. The horn system has enough air to blast at full output for at least four seconds. That’s well more than enough to get anyone’s attention.
Train Horn Installation

Next, we set to work mounting the quartet of Shocker XL horns and the brass-body solenoid valve under the vehicle. The valve features a 16 mm orifice to ensure maximum airflow to the horns. The horns themselves are tucked up close to the floor and are aimed rearward so that they won’t fill with dirt, water, snow or slush. The solenoid is bolted securely to the truck’s floor, and all the wiring is protected from damage and moisture using automotive-grade cloth tape before being routed with existing wiring under the vehicle.
With everything installed, it was time to test the system. Of course, we warned everyone in the shop about our intentions before giving this the first blast. Sweet-mother-of-pearl, this system is insanely loud! Even with the bay doors closed, we bet they could hear us up the street at the gas station. Our apologies to our neighbors.
The client was absolutely thrilled with the installation and loved how loud the air horn system is. He was excited to get the truck back on the road and give his friends a demonstration. If you’re interested in upgrading your vehicle, drop by Perfectionist Auto Sound and Security and speak with one of our experts. If you can’t get to the store during regular business hours, give us a call or send our team an e-mail.