Here at Perfectionist Auto Sound & Security, we sell lots of remote starters. In fact, we have installed tens of thousands of them over the years. So many times, we will hear from clients who are in our store buying another product from us that they don’t want a remote car starter for a particular reason. And many times, those reasons are simply unfounded, sadly, there are a lot of remote car starter myths. So we present to you the top five myths about remote car starters.
1. Remote starters void warranties
This is not true. In fact, we work with many new car dealers that will contract with us to install remote starters on their new vehicles. Now, to be fair, if a person gets a poorly engineered system and/or a poor install, and it causes damage, the warranty may be suspect. That won’t happen with us because we sell the finest, most-reliable products, and our installations are the reference standard for the industry.
2. They are bad for your engine
The reality is that remote-starting your engine is good for it. When it is cold outside, the oil in your engine is much thicker than after it heats up. Allowing your engine to preheat before driving off will make your drivetrain last longer.
3. I don’t need a lot of range because I park near my window
This thought process usually comes from someone that has never had a remote starter, or never owned a system with better range. The reality here is that, once you go out to a warm vehicle one time, you are hooked. Once you eliminate scraping the ice off your windows one time, you never want to do it again. Buying a system with better range can open up many more opportunities to remote-start your vehicle. If you get one of our longer-range systems, you can start it from work, the mall, church, when out to eat and probably any place else it gets parked over the course of a week.
4. Remote starters are easy to install
We hear this one all the time. The reality is that modern electrical systems in vehicles are very complex, and installing a remote starter is considered major surgery. Technicians have to know how to interface with multiplexed wiring and Can-BUS networks in your vehicle, and none of that is easy. The good news is that Perfectionist Auto Sound & Security staff are experts in all of these electrical systems.
5. I have a manual transmission so I can’t get a remote start
This is simply untrue. Our team knows how to safely remote-start a manual transmission vehicle, and we have been doing it for well over a decade. Ask us, and we will explain the details.
And for good measure, here is a sixth myth:
I have a diesel engine, so I can’t get a remote starter
Wow, this one has to be put to rest once and for all. If you own a diesel vehicle, Perfectionist can definitely install a remote start in it, and you get the biggest gains of any engine type. You already know that your diesel engine takes longer to warm up, so remote-starting it is a good thing all year round, especially in the colder months. Any of our team members can go over how we will safely remote-start your diesel.
We hope you have come to the conclusion that you want a remote starter. Good. The next step is to stop by Perfectionist Auto Sound & Security with your vehicle. One of our team members will work one on one with you to design and install the remote starter that best fits your needs.
You can also contact us here for more information about any of our products and services.